MESKO Labels
MESKO Labels
Packaging design and Illustration
Meat and fish products

We worked with Mesko for the creation of a brand-new meat packaging design for their popular boiled sausage and chicken fillet products. In this project we were given full creative freedom in the designing process and chose to approach the art style of the packaging in a stylistically modern way, swaying away from the usual photo style which is commonly found in most meat products and instead adding vibrant colors and images which make the packaging stand out. The boiled sausage package still featured a design where the main focus is the meat itself, however it was accompanied by the vibrant colors of green and purple from the vegetables which instead of taking the attention away from the meat made it stand out even further. Similarly, the design for the chicken fillet packaging also featured a multitude of colors, such as the bright red of the tomato and the subtle yellow of the cheese, while making sure not to overpower the main focus of the packaging which is the meat itself. Lastly, a chicken which combined the previous red and yellow colors of the vegetables helped to solidify the main theme of the design and really make it stand out.