Renua Wafers in a Box
Renua Wafers in a Box
The Task

This project entailed preserving the main concept for our Renua Mini Wafers, but creating two new packaging designs for rectangular wafers sold in cardboard boxes. The principal difference between these designs and those created for our first project, where we used more abstract landscape illustrations, was that for this product line we decided to add characters and more movement in our design, so it would be dynamic. These designs also include references to the historical background.

The Idea

The 19th c. is a host to important historic events that have a profound impact on France. This is a time of great changes in society. Women could now ride bicycles, which at the time were novel and affordable means of transportation, accessible to members of any social stratum.

Renua Wafers in a Box
Renua Wafers in a Box
The Idea

Unrivalled innovations in technology paralleled social changes. This is the Exposition in Paris where hot air balloons were shown. People could go up and take a view of Paris from an entirely different perspective.

While drawing in his sketchbook, Ренуа sees the mysterious woman climb aboard one of those balloons with a group of well-dressed young people. Later in his studio he paints the beautiful stranger and her company of friends high above Paris in a hot air balloon.

We chose a close-up of the balloon rising through the air for the front of the packaging.
The smartly-dressed young people are floating over Paris - this allowed us to use more than one perspective, and so utilize the impressionist technique of recreation on the back. We put focus on the mysterious woman.

Renua Wafers in a Box
Renua Wafers in a Box
The Result

The technique used in our previous project remained the same. You can find a detailed description of it in our portfolio. However, we changed the barcodes, making them different for each product line. We developed our first project further, creating a new product line whilst keeping the general concept intact.

Renua Wafers in a Box